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Sunday, March 4, 2018

Heads UP!

The Trinity Continuum Kickstarter has closed.
I got in on the last day and I will be receiving the final form of the PDF when it comes out in May I think.
But I have also received PDF's of the current review copies that are extant. And I have been gobbling them up like you cannot imagine.  So far, I haven't seen anything in the system that makes me blanch and they have talked a good deal about Talents and how to make them in the core book.
"Talents" are the new name for someone who is essentially a Daredevil. Don't know yet how they're going to scale Psiads and Aberrants down for Adventure! quite yet. But I may have to tinker with creating a generation mill for Trinity Continuum.  We'll see.

So Far, I'm digging it. Never done a space opera style game before. Might have to give it a try sometime.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Les salons de femmes nouveau

Some think that Les Salons is a new conspiracy. it is not. It is a very very old one.

The Amazons, as a warrior society grew from a seed of patriarchy and misogyny that has seemingly always been with mankind since it’s beginnings. A group of warrior women broke off from the main society and founded their own society. Taking women who sought them out and men who could live under amazonian laws and creating a proud and dynamic society that was in many ways more successful than it's forebears.  They never went out of their way to make enemies. But when enemies presented themselves, they stomped them flat.

Amazonian warrior-priestesses sought some kind of mystical edge in the various conflicts that erupted with male dominated societies. Thinking about the long game, The Amazons developed a ritual that would cause a fallen warrior to reincarnate. So that women born in later generations would take up the same fight. Some inspired individuals have reported having the memories of their former lives reawakened by contact with a member of Les Salons. Some have even become inspired as a direct result of that contact.  This can be traumatic in the extreme. Especially, if the past life is stronger than the current one. It’s also somewhat disconcerting to start talking in ancient greek with a stranger when you don’t actually speak that language yourself. Dreams of ancient battles and wars can be somewhat stressful as well.

Les Salons come together to create strategies to fight feminine oppression in whatever age they find themselves born into. So far, The Ritual has held over time and these women warriors have arisen time and again to make war on male domination.  It is widely held that the women’s suffrage movement was helmed at the highest levels by reincarnated amazons. Also: The Femmes have brought the Reincarnation ritual forward with them and use it to give the edge to each new successive generation of women dedicated to the cause. Some of the newest among them don’t even speak greek or know the right end of a longbow from the wrong end.  The Femmes try not to look down on their less experienced sisters but it can be hard to respect such rank and untrained newcomers.

Naturally many members of Les Salons will have the knack, Past Life and some will also possess more unusual knacks like Voice from Beyond, And so on.  If the person in question is already inspired, it is quite possible that contact with another inspired member of the Salon will cause a new ability to manifest itself. And these abilites will break along the lines of the inspiration that the person already has.  A woman daredevil might gain the knowledge of the Knack, Oklahoma thunderball and become a positive demon on horseback. An uninspired person will likely break towards being a mesmerist and will gain Past Life first. Such women often become quite potent mesmerists over time.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Giselle Duchene

Name:Giselle Duchene Type:Stalwart Allegiance:Contedorri Origin:Low Class

Inspiration:(4) Pool(4)

Physical: Athletics (3) Firearms (2) Ledgerdemain (3) Martial Arts (2) Melee (2) Stealth (3) Endurance(2) Resistance (4)
Social: Disguise(3) Style (3) Interrogation (3,subtle) Savvy (3) Subterfuge (4) Etiquette (2) Perform (3) Rapport (4,gaining trust)
Mental: Awareness (2) Investigation (2) Linguistics (4)

Backgrounds: Backing (3) Cipher (4) Contacts (2) Nemesis(?) Reputation (1) Resources (4) Sanctum(2)

Knacks:Heightened Senses, Sex Symbol,Woman of Many Faces,Gift of the Demon Hunter,

Initiative(8) Soak (2/0 ) Movement:Walk (Dex+2m) Run(Dex+12m) Sprint(DexX3+20m)

Bruised (-0) Hurt (-1) Injured (-1) Wounded (-2) Maimed(-3) Crippled (-4) Incapacitated,

Accuracy modifier
Rate/Clip/ Conceal
Knives (8)

Most of these knives are concealed, none are balanced for throwing.
Small Revolver

Multiple Shots, Two weapons,
Additional notes: Giselle speaks and reads most current European and Slavic languages.
Equipment: All of the weapons on her person are concealed, She is a master of concealing a knife inside a crucifix, a belt buckle, shoes, ornaments, or hair decorations. The tiny revolver is usually strapped to her thigh. Her tiny purse precludes most equipment other than a tiny camera. At times she carries knockout drops in a gimmicked ring.
Appearance/Clothing Tendencies: Giselle is capable of making sackcloth and ashes look good. In her actual form, She is a tall leggy woman with pale skin, bright blue eyes like the sea, and hair as black as her soul. Everything on her is high and perky. She has good muscle tone from aikido and savate.
House, Circle, Influence: Her backing comes from the regard the Contedorri holds for her. Her Cipher comes from the exemplary work of Hercule Beauchamp (who is one of her major contacts) Her contacts are usually Contedorri thugs or rich young men she's stringing along. Her Nemesis is a wronged lover from the past (GM's Option) Her Rep is small, she prefers it that way. She socks her money away from the various operations she performs. Her sanctum is actually 4 tiny boltholes she has hidden for herself across Paris, Bern, Venice, and Prague.
What has gone Before: One has to wonder what sort of childhood a woman has to become the sort of person that Ms. Duchene has become. Sadly most will simply have to wonder as Giselle has gone to great lengths to eradicate any trace of that past. She creates herself new for each man and can spin a sugary confection of lies that will make his head spin.
To put it simply, Giselle is a spy for hire. She works with the Contedorri because they are a very effective organization and can give her the sort of protection she occasionally needs from men who have been hurt by her betrayals. Giselle is a master of disguise and seduction. She possesses a dozen sets of identities (Made by Hercule Beauchamp) and travels extensively in order to ferret out secrets from lonely or foolish men who talk too much when she works her wiles. She is not above sleeping with her prey if she feels it will get her closer to her quarry. and usually by the time the mark realizes he has been burned she is long gone. She usually leaves behind a note with some sob story or other. Many men who have fallen victim to her refuse to believe that she was the betrayer. Her elusive nature and potent sexual power make her doubly hard to smoke out.
Story Uses
Hard Currency Girl: M. Duchene is a cynical hard-headed realist, pragmatic, cold-blooded and ruthless. She does what she does because she has very expensive tastes and she wants to be incredibly wealthy in her old age. When seducing a government minister for the document in his safe, she doesn't see a man. She sees a target and a pile of cash. She's killed before (although only in self-defense) and she will do anything to avoid capture and imprisonment. Woe betide the poor man who falls under her spell. She will approach well. flirt outrageously, subtly pump the mark for information and when the time is right, she'll steal away with her ill-gotten gains.
Characters who work the other side of the law and order fence will find her willing to enter into professional relationships of varying lengths. Shady characters might even find her a willing bedmate and confidant but trusting her is a bad idea.
Soiled Dove: No man has ever refused her. The one man who might be able to resist her charms might be the one that's bad for business. The one man she can't wrap around her little fingers might cause her to have all sorts of inconvenient feelings. Love would certainly put her off her game. especially if she falls for a law-abiding man. Giselle was hurt very badly as a young girl. She can love but can she trust? They say that a liar can't believe anyone else.
An Inconvenient Woman: Eventually, Giselle will find out something that is going to make people want her dead. It's hard to imagine what this knowledge would be but she does deal with secrets. Sadly, she'll discover that the protection offered by membership in the Contedorri is largely illusory. Especially if they decide to sell her. While disappearing is entirely possible for her, she would not relish a life on the run...If only she knew some strong-jawed strapping young fellows who could maybe help her out of her current jam...

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Dr. Magnus Jacoby

Name:Dr Magnus Jacoby Type:Mesmerist Allegiance:None Origin:Academic

Inspiration:(5) Pool(5 )

Physical: Athletics (1,golf ) Firearms (2) Stealth (3) Resistance (3)
Social: Intimidation (3) Style (2) Interrogation (4) Savvy (3) Subterfuge (3) Command (3) Etiquette (2) Rapport (3)
Mental: Awareness (5) Investigation (3) Academics (4) Bureacracy (2) Engineering (5*) Linguistics (2) Medicine (5*) Science (3) Arts (3) Drive (2)

Backgrounds: Backing (3) Contacts (2) Followers (3) Influence (2) Nemesis(2) Reputation (2) Resources (3) Devices(3) Sanctum(3)

Knacks:Light Sleeper, Emotional Suppression,Psychic Assault, Brain Skimming, Scientific Prodigy,Hypnotic Presence,

Initiative(8) Soak (2/0 ) Movement:Walk (Dex+2m) Run(Dex+12m) Sprint(DexX3+20m)

Bruised (-0) Hurt (-1) Injured (-1) Wounded (-2) Maimed(-3) Crippled (-4) Incapacitated,

Accuracy modifier
Rate/Clip/ Conceal

Additonal notes:Magnus possesses ability mastery in Engineering and Medicine. He can speak and read Italian and French.
Equipment: his three points in Gadgets are usually tied up in a gun he has developed that fires the mesmerist knack BrainStorm. This gun must be attached by suction cups to one of Magnus's temples. This gun is concealable in a pocket.
Appearance/Clothing Tendencies: An immaculate and debonair man with impeccable skin, clear eyes, great hair and a charming NewEnglandd accent. Wears Brooks Brothers suits almost exclusively. never wears a lab coat.
House, Circle, Influence: Owns a sumptuous home on long island which is filled to the brim with culture and art and if one looks closely has no trace of actual personality. His backing comes from his position at the hospital. His contacts are a far flung assortment of ex patients, professional colleagues, infatuated nurses, society people, and the occasional friend in law enforecement. His followers are mental patients that he has conditioned for certain types of jobs. His influence comes from powerful friends of his and his old money family. His resources come from his inheritance, his salary as a pyschologist, and the occasional sale of his artwork. His Sanctum is a hidden laboratory deep within his hospital. His nemesis, if you don't have one in mind allready is Carlton Tolliver. Tolliver suspects something is not quite right about the doctor but he can't prove any of his wild theories.
What has gone Before: Magnus Jacoby is many things. He is a brilliant researcher and controversial psycholoigst/Alienist. He's known in society circles. He's got the bucks. He's a published author, and he's sold some of his art at auction. He's Inspired...and he's a Sociopath.
He's been like this all his life. his natural tendency has allways been to see inside things and people or failing that, take them apart. maybe he'll even put them back together if he feels like it's worth it to him.
Magnus has discovered that with his mental powers and his mechanical acumen he can empathically connect to other people. granted he can only experience terror and agony, because he only uses this on people he's kidnapped for this purpose. His hope is to one day find a complete method of catharsis through these experiments. Until then, he will continue to work on his little projects with increasing fervor and direct his insane minions from the safety of his hidden lab.
Dr Jacoby is also begining to stretch out his tendrils into criminal society for the few things he can't easily get. he's becoming known for the few gadgets that he can produce easily.

Story Uses
The Source: Magnus is a genius at plumbing the depths of the human mind and is nearly as good at hiding his true nature from everybody around him. as such it's not inconcievable that the players might use him as a resource in tracking and capturing other insane individuals. Magnus, for his part enjoys the stimulation, He might even discover the maniac to be recruitable. in which case it will be the simplest thing to have him transferred to his mental hospital. Magnus will earn the trust of the PC's by putting his considerable intellect entirely at the disposal of their investigation. it's only down the road that the players may begin to realize that Dr Jacoby is not all that he appears.
The Gamester: Magnus, like most sociopaths, likes to have his fun. He'll send his minions out on errand to steal things that seem meaningless when taken seperately but when the pattern become apparent it becomes a masterpiece of crime. Magnus also likes the discomfiture of his Nemesi. Unlike many villians, He doesn't mind if you suspect his true nature. Suspicions don't matter. only proof. Players who go blabbing wild theories about the eminent physician knocking over banks with the help of insane goons carrying "Insanity guns" are not going to be believed. Magnus, of course, will not be overly ruffled by these antics but might suggest quietly that the players could use a bit of rest and observation somewhere where they can get the help they need... Magnus enjoys a good game of cat and mouse. He rarely gets ruffled.
The Peeler: God help the poor soul who falls into Magnus's clutches for an extended period. Especially if they possess intel of a sensitive nature that Magnus wants, or someone is paying Magnus for the extraction of same. Magnus will use every psychological trick in the book to worm information out of them (and his Brain Skimming, Hypnotic Presence, and Interrogation of 4 will make it very hard to resist.) and once he has what he wants he'll use you as guinea pig for one of his new mind cracking brain wave harmonic devices. That is, unless a rescue attempt can be mounted.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Yoshida Himitsu

Name:Yoshida Himitsu (The Divine Wind) Type:Stalwart Allegiance:Yakuza Origin:Criminal

Inspiration:(6) Pool(6)
Virtue:Hot shot

Physical: Archery (2) Might (2) Athletics (4) Martial Arts (5) Melee (4) Stealth (4) Endurance(3) Resistance (3)
Social: Savvy (3) Subterfuge (2) Etiquette (2)
Mental: Awareness (1) Intrusion (4) Linguistics (1) Medicine (2, toxicology) Survival (2, jungle) Occult*(1)

Backgrounds: Allies (1) Backing (3) Cipher (3) Menagerie (2) Mentor (3) Reputation (3) Resources (3) Sanctum(1)
Knacks:Superhuman reflexes, Blazing Speed, Blindfighter, Threat Awareness,
Initiative(15 ) Soak ( 3/1 ) Movement:Walk (Dex+2m) Run(Dex+12m) Sprint(DexX3+20m)
Bruised (-0) Hurt (-1) Injured (-1) Wounded (-2) Maimed(-3) Crippled (-4) Incapacitated,
Accuracy modifier
Rate/Clip/ Conceal
See below

Additonal notes: Yoshida-san speaks heavily accented english.
Equipment: Yoshida-san has a large collection of martial arts weapons and will choose a weapon suitable to whatever task he is working on. he is, however, more than capable of killing a man with nothing more than his bare hands.
Appearance/Clothing Tendencies prefers loose fitting garments, especially for work. if forced to wear a suit, he will choose one that is extremely loosely cut. Himitsu is slightly taller than an average Japanese and is muscular. He never smiles and seems to move with an effortless grace. his musculature and movement mark him as a martial artist to those who look for those things. His eyes are a fathomless, soul-dead, black.
House, Circle, Influence: He is a cherished instrument of destruction for the Yakuza clan that he works for. He has a reputation as one of the fastest and most dangerous hand to hand combatants alive. His one Ally is a man named Arashi, who does a great deal of his advance work and investigative preparation. Arashi is also his getaway driver. His mentor is his Oyabun of course,(who gets rich off of farming his services out to the highest bidder.) Himitsu makes a comfortable living but he'd make a lot more if he could manage to stop collecting martial arts weapons and poisonous animals of all sorts. (which are kept in his sanctum.) Should he require it, He can muster the backing of a goodly chunk of the yakuza clan he works for.
What has gone Before: Some people have a gift for certain things. with some, it's numbers or painting or cooking. With Himitsu, it was always killing. He came to realize as he grew to manhood in the poorest slums of Edo that he was a door to let out life. When this epiphany came upon him he knew peace for the first time in his life. He relinquished any sort of humanity within him and stopped struggling to try to be a human being. He was simply not built that way.
He took up with a Yakuza clan (GM choice of course) and distinguished himself as being capable, fast, and bereft of any squeamishness. He began to learn the martial arts and made himself into a formidable opponent. His Oyabun encouraged this and was indulgent with his experiments with weapons and poisons.
One day in his dojo, Yoshida-san realized that he was faster than his mere mortal fellows. It seemed that the gods had gifted him with abilities beyond what his fellows possessed. he slew his master and his fellow students as grateful offering to those dark powers and began on the road to a destiny filled with bloodshed.
Story Uses
Darth Maul Style Villian: It's never personal. Mr. Yoshida is the sort of villain who shows up because someone is good and pissed at the characters. While weak at long range combat and not much of sniper. Yoshida-san is incredibly fast with his hands and more than capable of trouncing the average martial artist.
Add to this that he has a collection of bizarre martial arts weapons and is willing to use poisons and you have a man who is capable of killing large numbers of people. He does not stop. he is fast, implacable, and will not listen to reason. You are already dead. The Gods and his employers have willed it so.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Bart "The Mangler" Steele

Name:Bart "The Mangler" Steele Type:Stalwart Allegiance:none Origin:Low Class

Inspiration:(4) Pool(4)
Strength:5 (Grappling)
Stamina:5(keep standing

Physical: Brawl (4) Might (4) Athletics (4) Melee (4, found weapons) Endurance(4) Resistance (2)
Social: Intimidation (4) Style (2)
Mental: Awareness (2) Drive (1)

Backgrounds: Allies (2) Backing (3) Followers(3) Reputation (4) Resources (3)

Knacks:Powerlifter, Piledriver, Juggernaut, Pillar of Stone,

Initiative(6) Soak (5/2) Movement:Walk (Dex+2m) Run(Dex+12m) Sprint(DexX3+20m)

O.K. O.K. Bruised (-0) Hurt (-1) Injured (-1) Wounded (-2) Maimed(-3) Crippled (-4) Incapacitated

Additional notes: Bart is somehow immune to the effect of Steely Gaze. He's either too tough or too dumb to intimidate without the use of something like Cloak of Dread.
Equipment: Bart never carries weapons of any sort. He usually is sporting a large wad of cash.
Appearance/Clothing Tendencies: because of his distinctive hulking frame, Bart has to have most of his clothing made. Bart is not hugely tall but he is very broad and so he has to buy clothes, shoes, hats, and gloves from a big and tall man's shop. Still, he can cut an impressive figure when properly attired. Bart is heavily muscled to the point of losing a bit of flexibility. He has no neck and shaves his head bald for effect. the back of his head looks like a pack of franks. In the ring, Bart's godlike body is in its element. Bart's ring persona is that he is a barely human creature and he plays dumb really well. He is at least a little smarter than this.
House, Circle, Influence: Bart's Allies are his agent, and whatever girlfriend he's tooling around with at present. (It should be noted that Bart's women tend to be shrill hysterics with a barely concealed edge of cheapness. More on this later.) Bart's backing comes from the wrestling association that he belongs to. They keep him out of trouble because he is a cash cow for them. His followers are his staff and a few well-meaning fans. Bart's Reputation is that he is a merciless creature of violence who would just as soon cripple you as look at you.
What has gone Before: Back in the old days. Wrestling was a very different sport. it was brutal and totally real. Large men beating on one another could often cripple and occasionally kill one another. There wasn't any script. whatever happened in the ring happened. betting on wrestling was serious business.
Bart was a great big farm boy from Alabama. He was spotted by his future agent, wrestling at a state fair. Lefty Rosenberg knew a good thing when he saw it and he made an investment in the boy with a little help from a gangster cousin of his.
Now, Bart is one of the premier wrestlers of the NCW federation and makes a comfortable living In the last year or so. He's simply become nearly unbeatable. it's almost like he's invulnerable. Sure he bled like a stuck pig during that scrap with Fleischer on the radio last week but it didn't slow him down and "Big Boy" Fleischer went home on a stretcher.
Story Uses
The Ex: the original use for Bart came from a game of mine. Bart was the Ex-boyfriend of a torch singer that was performing at a club my players were at. The players had an opportunity to overhear him manhandling his Ex. They, of course, burst in and rescued her (earning one of my players a new girlfriend in the process. ) Naturally, Bart was an obsessive type and kept trying to make the player's life miserable.
Famous face: Bart is a famous guy. He makes a good sort to have at a party littered with dignitaries and famous folk (reports that he's short tempered and can't hold his liquor are usually covered such he still gets invited to places.) Unfortunately, he has the tendency to date vapid and mean-spirited women. Some of these women enjoy watching him beat the snot out of somebody. It would be just terrible if the players spilled a drink on, or worse, were intentionally rude to this woman...Her hysterics would naturally bring Bart running to her "rescue" and naturally, there would be a scene.
The Heavyweight Thug: It may be that Rosenberg's cousin demands some sort of favor from Bart or it may be that Wrestling falls on hard times and he's forced to hire out to whomever needs extra muscle. Bart is not the sort to pass up 500 simoleons for 10 minutes worth of work.
A decent fella: What most people don't realize, is that Bart is actually a decent-hearted guy who unfortunately has very little way to express himself and very little education or manners. All he has ever been really good at is the ability to really hurt people. Players might get to know the guy over time and decide he's not such a bad sort if you can keep him from being a pawn for other people.

Saturday, September 2, 2017


Trigger Warning: Origin story involves Sexual assault and Physical Abuse.

Name:Jealousy Type:Daredevil Allegiance:None Origin:

Inspiration:(4) Pool(4)

Physical: Athletics (4) Martial Arts (3) Melee (3) Stealth (3) Endurance(3)
Social: Intimidate (2) Style (3) Savvy (3) Command (2)
Mental: Awareness (2) Investigation (2) Intrusion (2) Drive (2)

Backgrounds: Cipher (4) Followers (2) Resources (3) Devices(3) Sanctum(1) Nemesis(3)

Knacks: Indomitable Will, Lightning Reflexes,Untouchable, Dance of Death,

Initiative(9) Soak (3/1, Her cloak provides her an additional 2/2) Movement:Walk (Dex+2m) Run(Dex+12m) Sprint(DexX3+20m)

Bruised (-0) Hurt (-1) Injured (-1) Wounded (-2) Maimed(-3) Crippled (-4) Incapacitated,

Accuracy modifier
Rate/Clip/ Conceal
Str+2 lethal

Throwing Knives (4)
Str+2 lethal

Fighting Claws
Str+1 lethal

Additional notes:
Equipment: Aside from the above weapons, She carries a pair of smoke grenades, and has a set of lockpicks secreted inside of her face mask. She also possesses a line throwing gun. Her leather whip is treated every evening with habanero pepper juice. If the whip damages a character in combat they are afflicted with searing agony (it doesn't do any extra damage but it does reduce a characters dice pool by 5 for the rest of the scene or until they manage to counter the burning with baking soda or some such. water will only make it worse. a Player may attempt to resist the effects of the capsicum by spending willpower and rolling Stamina+Resistance. Each success mitigates the reduction by 1. Regardless, being wounded with the whip causes horrific scars and Jealousy often goes for called shots on a person's face. Any botch on a dodge roll means that Jealousy has hit the character in the eyes and they are effectively blinded as well.
Appearance/Clothing Tendencies: When unmasked, Jealousy is a youngish caucasian woman with a serious mein and long, well cared for, glossy black hair. She has a long vertical scar running from her hairline to her jaw line on the right side of her face. (it just barely missed her eye.) She has the build and musculature of a former dancer that has turned to the martial arts.
When Jealousy is working she wears a body stocking and boots. She has a utility belt with many of her weapons. She also sports a long thick cloak with a hood. (sewn into the interior of the cloak is some light chain mail to provide her with a bit of armor) and a bone white half mask that covers the right side of her face. All of the clothing is in complimentary shades of green which matches the one visible green eye...burning with madness and hatred.
House, Circle, Influence: Jealousy has only recently begun to understand the need for a few goons to soak up some of the opposition. As such her gang is of only five men. While Jealousy never threatens or raises her voice against them. they live in mortal terror of her. They've seen what she's capable of. She has quietly purchased a small defunct cosmetic factory for her hideout. Her nemesis is anyone from the Cerrenzi family.
What has gone Before:
Morgana Alexander was a beautiful child. She won pageants in her teens. Although she couldn't act her way out of a paper bag, she had a burgeoning career as an actress and a model. Life was good and she was content. She came from an upper middle-class family and was making her own way in the world.
She met Nico Cerrenzi at a party. Nico was a dream. He was rich and very good looking and very smooth. Morgana caught his eye and they began talking. Six months later they were married after a whirlwind romance. Morgana's parents didn't like Nico but they were so much in love that they didn't care. Morgana's mother said that it was too soon. But they didn't care. Even when it was becoming increasingly evident that Nico was maybe involved in shady business beyond the olive oil business, Morgana put her worries aside. Nico loved her and she loved him and that was all that mattered.
After 2 years of marriage, the cracks began to show. Nico was insanely jealous. His wife was a great beauty and men naturally turned to look at her. Often he got into trouble picking fights with strange men. He began to be increasingly erratic. He even began to blame Morgana for the attention that she received from other men. At times they would go out and he would show her off like a trophy but if someone talked to her or flirted with her, Nico would lose it, and later that night there would be a fight...maybe even a beating.
Nico shut down her acting career and modeling. ("No wife of mine is going to work.") and began to keep her a virtual prisoner in their home. He ordered her to be the perfect Catholic wife and she fell short of the mark he set for her...the beatings would start again. He pressured her to have a baby but Morgana didn't want a baby. She was smart enough to want out. So she got out.
She had met a fellow at church will waiting for confession. They had talked and the tale of her woes came out of her in a rush. Joe (for that was his name) was horrified that a lovely woman could be subjected to such oppression and offered to help her get clear of her asshole husband while she got a divorce. Divorce was a serious thing in those days. A woman of Morgana's status had to be hard up indeed to seek out such a thing. One night she packed a few things while Nico was out late, (doing God knows what.) and they left.
Nico and his boys found Joe and Morgana about two weeks later. They chopped off parts of Joe's anatomy while he watched and then put two bullets into his head. all in front of Morgana. Then Nico took up a sharp knife and slashed Morgana once across the face. 
"You Whore! Now nobody will want you or help you ever again!"
He took her home and beat her some more and then raped her...and then he made his last mistake. He went to sleep.
Morgana did things to Nico that most gangsters shiver about when they hear the story. Then she dropped out of sight for two years.
Morgana died that night and Jealousy was born. Jealousy has a psychotic hatred of those who are beautiful or appear to be happy. She gives them one chance. She sends them a little note to let them know that they have caught her eye and unless they want to receive her attention they will pay the blackmail that she desires. If they refuse, She turns up and horribly disfigures them. She's occasionally gone after plastic surgeons and robbed the payroll trucks of fashion and makeup companies. She's disfigured works of art. and anytime she can stick it to the Cerrenzi family along the way she does so.
Jealousy has a psychopathic hatred of the beauty that caused her so much misery and ironically, of the fact that she's lost it. She is on a fanatical quest to destroy all the beauty that she sees in the world around her or at least make people live in fear of the day she comes to take their beauty away.
Story Uses
The Psycho: Jealousy can obviously be played as a slightly 4-color type of villain in a pulp campaign. She turns up at a social function like a charity masked ball to make off with the proceeds or she'll turn up at a beauty pageant and hold the girls hostage (possibly hurting a few along the way and certainly scaring the shit out them.) She might take a dislike to a certain movie star and go after them only to find the players hired as body guards. Anything with beauty as a motif is a possibility to be used. Jealousy has a real Phantom of the Opera meets Catwoman edge to her. don't be afraid to lean into it.
The Tragic Figure: Finding out who this crazy woman is not going to be an easy thing.(Cipher 4) Morgana had no criminal record, the Cerrenzi family doesn't like to talk about her or Nico ("The Don gets upset. You know how it is.") and her family has no idea what ever happened to Morgana. They assume that Nico finally killed her. Nobody in her gang has even seen her full face, much less know the whole story. Those players that piece it together from the disparate elements, especially her family's story will find a whole new tragic edge to Jealousy. An edge they might be able to use to stop her reign of ugliness. Heck, addressing her by her true name might be enough of a shock to her system that she might flee until she recovers her composure.
Doomed Love?: Morgana is still in there. Buried under Jealousy, a hero who reaches out to her might be able to connect with Morgana. But woe betide anyone who flinches when she takes the mask off. (guess what? You've got a new Nemesis.) Also, while Morgana might want to stop all the cruelty and violence and while she may have fallen in love with one of the players, Jealousy won't let it happen. (Note that the reaching out is what is most important here. Morgana could fall in love with a good looking man or an ugly one...just as long as he sincere and good hearted. this might be an interesting chance for a romantic storyline for a character that is normally passed by.) Needless to say, Jealousy will do anything she can to survive. Jealousy is Morgana's rage and hatred incarnate. Only one of them can survive. Can your player(s) make the difference in this life and death struggle?